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Naked Dirty Love Page 12

  I stepped off the back of the Harley and looked around at the Strip Mall. There were a few exit points but the vast majority of the space was an endless maze of open-air parking spaces dedicated to books, an organic market, too many restaurants and cafes to count, a sports store, and several clothing boutiques.

  “What’s the matter, darlin’?” Trey walked up behind me and squeezed my shoulders lightly. “Please don’t tell me you’re scared of my mother.”

  I turned around and smiled as I braced my hands against his firm pecs. “If I’m being honest, then yes, she scares me. Not in a ‘I’m worried she’s gonna kick my ass way’ but obviously she’s never been the woman you thought she was. I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I honestly believe she’s been a Fed your whole life or at least most of it. She’s too cold and calculating. Ice water flows through her veins, Trey.”

  He arched his dark brows. “Well, in that case, my mother hasn’t changed much at all except her physical appearance. I actually feared her more than my father when we were growin’ up. I still don’t understand how she could have had an affair with Dizzy though. They don’t seem compatible at all.”

  My eyes narrowed sharply. “Honey, I think it was the affair with your father that turned her into the heartless bitch she is now. I don’t presume to know what happened but he did a number on her and she’s never been able to recover from it.”

  “Oh, really?” a husky female voice asked from behind me. Trey’s lightly tanned face slowly drained of color as I whipped around to face the infamous Eve Kerrigan. She was dressed to the nines, as usual, this time in a pair of expensive indigo jeans and a short-sleeved, white silk blouse complete with a set of dainty pearls around her regal neck.

  She walked closer, the sound of her high-heel shoe-boots click clacking against the asphalt. “Why don’t we all go in and get a drink? Then we can sit outside on the patio. It’s such a lovely day out here near the beach.”

  My stomach lurched again but I ignored it as Trey and I followed her inside Starbucks. We each got our drinks and walked back outside to the patio area where we found a free table among the Yuppies and hipsters hanging around.

  I sipped from a caramel Frappuccino while Eve drank daintily from a tall, soy green tea latte. Trey studied his mother while he sipped an iced coffee.

  Eve watched us both with cool hazel-green eyes. “Well, well, fancy seeing you two so far away from home. Tell me, what brings you to L.A.? Oh, wait—don’t tell me…you might get in trouble. There are a dozen agents watching us right now and just because you can’t spot them all, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there.”

  I slowly looked around, noticing a hipster couple sitting a few tables away. They spoke animatedly while the young woman had her iPhone out on the table, the young guy Swype’ing on a Samsung Note.

  They were both agents. Former military, by the way they sat and observed us without giving anything anyway.

  “Kyra, really, do you have such little faith in me? What good would it do you right now if you spotted every agent here and decided you and Trey should make a run for it? We know where the clubhouse in Glendale is located and, although there might not be any incriminating evidence there now, what about tomorrow? Do you think we could make a large enough bust to score primetime news spots on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC?” Eve arched one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows and stared at me with icy eyes.

  “Mom, please stop. I know you want to talk to me about something important. I just...don’t understand what I could do for you. Is that the only reason you wanted to meet me today? You weren’t interested in seeing me again after…” Trey trailed off and looked away, his eyes full of unshed tears.

  Eve’s features softened as she patted her son’s hands with her own. “Of course not, Trey. You’re my oldest and I care about you. I had to come back—if only to offer you the same deal your sister turned down without a second thought.”

  His eyes shined cold as I held my breath.

  Surely he couldn’t possibly consider joining Witsec? He’d lose everything and have nothing but a death sentence on his head. There would be nowhere in the world he’d ever be safe and he’d spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.

  “Don’t do this,” I bit out. “You know he can’t go into Witsec—the clubs would pay top dollar to him eliminated. You would ruin his life.”

  She laughed, the sound musical and bright. “You silly little girl, I wasn’t trying to make that kind of deal with Trey. What the hell would he do if did join Witsec? He’s much more use to us on the street and among the Saints than he ever would be in the Witness Protection Program.”

  “Is that where Dad, Tristan, and his fiancée are being held?”

  Eve looked back to Trey. “I’m not at liberty to say what they are doing. It’s classified. What I can offer you both is…a deal. Both your clubs are in RICO’s sights and there’s nothing you can do about it. Though it’s true Cillian’s case was thrown out of court and Brooklyn Decker recanted his account of you shooting him, the Feds are after you. They plan to shut down all three of the MCs holding Northern Nevada hostage.

  “Unfortunately, the cartels are in the way, and, at the moment, they’re a bigger threat than the MCs. The situation has to be neutralized before we can continue with our investigation. You can say it’s been put on hold for now. I’m not promising anything but perhaps an agreement can be made today to save your precious MCs…maybe not. I can’t guarantee you’ll keep all the chapters but maybe you can hold on to some of the major ones. This deal is a one time only, and on the table right now, kind of situation. The moment I leave, it’s no longer an option.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but Trey looked at me and shook his head.

  “Kyra, can you go wait inside while I talk to my mother in private?”

  “What?” I shrieked. “Trey, I wouldn’t advise that. As the club’s legal counsel, I should be here with you—”

  “I’m not gonna talk to Ms. Kerrigan like that, babe. This isn’t about the club at all and if she wanted to bust me, she could. I wouldn’t resist and then I would need you, but not at this moment. I want to speak to her, like a son would talk to his mother. Sorry but this isn’t for you to hear.”

  Tears sprung in my eyes and I tried to blink them away. I couldn’t pretend his rejection meant nothing to me as I stood and grabbed my drink.

  “Are you sure you want me to go?” I asked again even though I knew what his answer would be by the determined look on his face.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s nothin’ against you, babe, but…I gotta make sure you’re not accountable today. No one can accuse you of double crossin’ if you didn’t hear the conversation.”

  I nodded my head before turning away and walking back into Starbucks. My heart shouldn’t have the fault lines of a subtle crack against the surface. Though I knew he was trying to protect me, a part of me felt broken and betrayed by the man I loved. If he couldn’t trust me with a secret he was about to tell his mother then how did I know if he’d ever trust me with his heart?

  Chapter Nine


  “If I didn’t know any better, I might think you did that on purpose just to remind her of her place in your life.” Eve smiled at him as her eyes softened. “Well played, my son. You’re just like Desmond even though you look more like me.”

  Trey returned her stare though his expression failed to change. “I didn’t do anything on purpose, Mom. Honestly, I don’t want Kyra to know what I tell you. Not because I’m being traitorous—which, in a way I am—but there are members of the Saints that don’t trust her. She’s Jonesy’s daughter after all.”

  “Do you trust her?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then why did you send her away? Kyra can be tough to take but she’s loyal and she’s in love with you. She’d risk her own life to keep yours safe.” Eve clasped her hands together as she sighed. “You had so much promise and for it all to be thrown away. Sometimes I wish I’d murde
red Desmond when I had the chance.”

  “Why didn’t you?” he questioned in a cold voice.

  She looked at him directly again. “I loved him, Trey, part of me still does. He’s your father and there are so many ways he hurt me, I can’t begin to name them. He misled me about having a wife, and he lied about us being together. Maybe if I had faith in him and stayed when he asked me to, my life would be very different. But I couldn’t do that to Bronaugh. She didn’t deserve that. I could take care of myself just fine but Dizzy’s little hausfrau shouldn’t have been condemned to a life of abject poverty in Northern Ireland. I did what I thought was best for everyone involved.”

  He nodded as he looked into Starbucks though he could no longer spot Kyra. “Well, I suppose I get my self-sacrificing nature from you then. I can’t stand by and watch the government you work for take down my clubs, Mom. I’m not a Bastard anymore, but I was, and now I’m a Saint. What do you want? Intel? You want me to be a double agent like Clooney and Naomi? I’ll do it.”

  Eve grinned as she pursed her lips. “Not a double agent, Trey. Info will only go one way in this case. If you tip off either club you’re working for us, we will bring them both down. In return for your… cooperation, you will be granted immunity by the United States Federal government.”

  “Sounds grand…and all I have to do is sell my soul to the Devil,” Trey muttered.

  “Well, you know how it is. A man cannot serve two masters. You can be loyal to your club and feed us info. I will set up a safety deposit box and send you all the information through an untraceable phone that will be coming to you by UPS. It’ll be delivered the same day you get back from this trip. In that safety deposit box will be enough cash to get you where you have to go in US Dollars, Euros, and British Pounds. There will also be two passports, both made out in the name of Troy Lipton. It’s easy to remember and they happen to be the same initials as your real name. One passport is American and the other is British. Any questions?”

  He laughed as he shook his head. “When do I start working for you?”

  “You already have when you verbally agreed to be an agent. I understand tonight the Saints are supposed to meet members of the cartel at High Lights nightclub in Century City. Is this correct?” Eve stared him down, her bright hazel-green eyes sincere.

  “Yes, that’s correct. How do you—”

  “We have informants in the cartel, Trey. You didn’t provide any of this information so you can relax. To answer your question, no, we aren’t going to stop the deal from progressing. We’re in the middle of gathering as much dirt on Carlito Navarro as possible. When the time comes, we’d like to turn him. He’s a pretty big fish but we’re interested in Emilio Navarro, his father. There will be no deals for him unless he can give us the Russians. As far as I know, the two don’t do business.”

  “No, they don’t.”

  “That’s what I understood.” Eve stood up and looked down at Trey. “Your mission—if you choose to accept it—is to gather as much Intel as possible on the Koslakov Mafia. I will text you the location of the safety deposit box to drop off all communication between us.”

  “Wait, I don’t understand. We’ll never speak again?”

  “No, we won’t. We’ll never communicate…ever…except by safety deposit box. We don’t want you actually to be an informant/agent that can be traced. You’re completely off the grid. That way, various agents the MCs, Mafia, and cartels have paid off will know nothing about you. I report to the director of the FBI, and very few people know about this investigation. Hell, the only reason we got any funds to pursue this at all is because of the cartel aspect and a tie-in we were able to make to domestic terrorism.”

  Trey stood up and embraced her. “Take care of yourself, Mom. I love you.”

  As they separated, she smiled, though it was small and barely reached her eyes. “I love you, too. Don’t get me wrong, I want to do my job but I wouldn’t ever put your club or you at risk. We want information on the criminal organizations the clubs are working with, and you can get it to us with your skills. I promise you’ll never be asked to compromise your club. You have nothing to feel guilty about, son. You don’t owe Aztecas Infierno or the Koslakov Mafia anything. Remember that and all this cloak and dagger will weigh less on your mind, all right?”

  “Don’t worry about my conscience, Mom. Don’t get me wrong—I got one—but the shit I’ve seen and the crap I’ve done, I always knew the Reaper would come callin’, wanting me to pay for my sins. Consider this payment in full. I would do anything to make you proud of me. If I have to do this just to show my love for you, I will,” he explained in a quiet voice.

  His mother smiled as she palmed his cheek. “I’m already proud of you, chéri. You’re my oldest and I will always love you with all my heart. Don’t do anything to risk your life, you hear me? It’s not worth it.”


  “Take care of yourself and take care of that woman waiting inside for you. She truly does love you, more than you can ever know. Promise me you won’t break her heart.”

  “I won’t, Mom. This, I can guarantee to you. I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt her. Love like that—what I feel for Kyra—it’s so deep in my skin, I couldn’t let go of her if I wanted to.”

  Eve nodded her head. “I’ve got to go but you’ll be hearing from me again. Tristan will also send messages from time to time. As for Trista, watch over her, all right?”

  “Will do.” Trey smiled as they stared at one another for a long time before she turned away from him and strolled away.

  It seemed like moments had passed but eventually, he felt a hand clutch his shoulder. “Come on, let’s get back to the clubhouse.”

  He turned toward Kyra and although her expression tried to remain neutral, he kissed her lips quickly. “There’s nothin’ I wouldn’t do for you. I don’t want you to think I don’t trust you, ’cause I do. More than you could ever know. What I had to talk about with my mother was private. It was a son saying goodbye to a parent that should be dead but for all intents and purposes is dead. I’ll never see her again.”

  Kyra’s sky blue eyes softened immediately before she turned him toward her and embraced him. “I’m sorry. I felt rejected; I was just acting hormonal and crazy. I knew you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, but it did, and part of me felt so stupid for overreacting.”

  “Well, I’m glad you acted the way you did.” Trey grinned. “At least I know how much you care about me.”

  She punched him in the shoulder. “You are such an asshole!”

  “Yeah, but you still love me.”

  “Yeah,” she replied, “I really fucking do.”

  “Good, ’cause I love the fuck outta you too.”

  They clasps hands and walked toward the Harley in the parking lot.

  Trey and his brothers walked into High Lights dressed to impress. They bypassed security easily since their names were on the list, courtesy of Carlito. The women were actually great covers and blended in with the multicultural crowd perfectly. The whole group could have passed for entitled industry insiders with an edge, rock stars or movie stars.

  Ronan had brought Naomi who was dressed to the nines in a sleeveless silver lace dress, her short hair almost bob-length and curled to perfection. She looked around, ever alert to any unsuspecting danger.

  Gisela looked stunning on Cillian’s arm, wearing a flattering red dress that hid her bump paired with sky-high nude heels.

  Kyra walked arm-in-arm with Trey. Her golden highlighted fiery hair—pulled into a chignon—showed off her long swan neck. The little black dress she wore emphasized her pale rose and alabaster skin. She looked stunning and he found it hard to take his eyes off her as they made their way through the expansive nightclub.

  “Fancy” blasted as a multitude of people gyrated on the dance floor. The bar areas were also packed, the bass of the song deep enough to throb in time with his heartbeat.

  Hardy turned toward the women. “Go grab
a place to sit and stay put. Kink, Ronan, Cillian, Trey, and I will approach Carlito. The rest of you—don’t lose our precious cargo. Stay with the women at all times. I don’t want any mistakes made tonight, you got that?”

  Cricket, Quinn, and Bookie walked off with Naomi, Gisela and Kyra. Trey watched them leave with a pang of regret. Though they had protection, it was still dangerous for them to be there and he couldn’t shake a foreboding feeling that suddenly came over him.

  He followed Kink and Ronan who stayed a few feet back from Hardy and Cillian as they led the way to the VIP area Carlito commandeered. There were plenty of his thugs guarding the velvet rope while the man himself sat in a plush lounge made for royalty. Lots of expensive looking call girls mulled about, while his pride and joy, Lacey Henderson, sat not far from him. She glanced at the men who had once been her family and quickly turned away, the diamond engagement ring glittering on her left hand.

  Hardy and Cillian sat across from Carlito while Trey, Kink, and Ronan continued to stand.

  “What do you think of the club? It’s nice, isn’t it?” Carlito finally spoke before he swigged from a fluted glass of champagne. “Would any of you gentlemen care for some Cristal?”

  Hardy shook his head. “Nah, mate. I’m not really a champagne kinda guy. You know why I’m here so don’t make me explain myself to you again. Your product for our money and it better be worth every dollar we pay for it.”

  Carlito’s crystal blue eyes glanced at his uncle before he looked toward Cillian. “What about you, Killer? I know your people from the mother chapter are acting as backup since the Glendale charter isn’t exactly…robust at the moment. According to the Prez and VP of our organization, you think I’ve been tampering with the product.”